Know the world of turmeric dotted with health benefits and versatile uses.

Discover the gateway to wellness with the golden wonder – Turmeric. Unearthing its diverse roles in being a mainstay in cuisines, medicines, and cosmetics. Abe Mart opens the gates to its select collection of Turmeric and Kasturi Turmeric powders while giving tips on its intake.

Turmeric – A Yellow Lining of Vitality

Turmeric, a gem in Indian cuisines, a superfood in the spice rack, has been lauded for its flair throughout centuries. The golden spice promises pink of health with its touted health benefits. On account of its versatility, from food, natural dye, and cosmetics to medicines, it has permeated into different sectors of the world. Let us dive headfirst to get some grounding on the realm of turmeric, aka, Indian saffron.

Knock-Knock to Know Curcumin

With close kinship to ginger, turmeric comes from the root of Curcuma Longa. But wondering how turmeric maintains its superior edge?  Hidden in the golden hue are three potent curcuminoids, namely – curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin, each boasting its wellness tale.

Curcumin, the Midas Touch of Turmeric, has garnered a wide reception for its anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, and antioxidant effects. With around 2-8% curcumin content, it offers a brilliant yellow hue entwined in many healthful aspects.

Though curcumin is powerful, its absorption into the human bloodstream is rather slow. However, this sluggishness is smoothly countered with the entry of pepper. Black pepper rich in piperine is highly effective in fast-tracking the absorption of curcumin into the bloodstream by a whopping 2000%.

Uncover the Health Benefits of Turmeric

Today, you’ll learn that turmeric brings numerous benefits in various ways. So, brace yourself!

Turmeric can wield a shield against foreign ambushers and repair damage in the body with its highly anti-inflammatory compounds.

Anti-inflammatory prowess is not confined to eliminating free radicals. It emerges as a ray of light in treating arthritis as well. Inflammation in the joints is relieved and rheumatoid pains are suppressed.

In-store antioxidants reign their command over the harmful free radicals and corner them in a cinch.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a protein produced by our body that helps in repairing and maintaining neurons. High levels of BDNF help in improved learning and memorizing. The primary causes of Alzheimer’s and depression are pointed towards deficiency in BDNF levels in our body. The consumption of curcumin combined with daily exercises has shown positive signs in influencing a good mood and improving memory and learning abilities.

From treating digestive disorders with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, and calming and soothing the irritation in the digestive tract, to stimulating the gallbladder to produce more bile, which is essential for the digestion of fats, turmeric is your little elves in the digestive works.

The age-old adage ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is rightfully befitting at this point. Curcumin possesses qualities that can draw a silver lining in preventing or curing cancer. It prevents the multiplication or spread of cancerous cells, especially, digestive tract cancer.

Turmeric can promote heart health by gatekeeping cardiovascular diseases. It can protect the lining of blood vessels and combat inflammation and oxidation.

Laden with antiseptic and antibacterial properties, skin problems can say bye-bye. It can checkmate skin issues such as dark circles, acne and breakouts, and scar lines, heal wounds, and promise a healthy and radiant glow. Turmeric is also a constituent of sunscreens and cosmetics as it can diminish the skin damage caused by UV radiation.

Turmeric can relieve eye pain and prevent oxidation of the lens in your eyes. It may be helpful in the treatment of cataracts.

Filled with antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties, it can provide strong gums and prevent cavities, reassuring your confidence as you step into any room with your beautiful smile!

Who doesn’t love turtle-paced ageing? Endowed with Vitamin E, it can decelerate the ageing process. Owing to the enmity of antioxidants with free radicals, it builds a rampart against the harmful radicals that cause wrinkles, age spots, and other forms of skin damage. Turmeric is your secret whisperer for anti-ageing and youthful beautiful skin.

One of the many purported health benefits is the efficacy of turmeric in controlling the glucose levels in blood which reduces the effects of diabetes on your body.

Osteoporosis is a condition that results in weaker bones that are prone to breaking. Turmeric’s issue of having bad blood with bad bones ensures that the loss of bone minerals is arrested while bone density is maintained. Additionally, curcumin can activate the bone-producing cells.

Being a cocoon of countless nutrients such as zinc, fibre, iron, niacin, potassium, calcium, and flavonoids among other key nutrients, and replete with antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties along with antioxidants, turmeric is braced with necessary ingredients to bolster immunity.

With all these benefits, do you wish to sprinkle turmeric into your diet? The Abe Mart platform has taken its form to tell you as you wish.

Abe Mart Vault for turmeric needs.

Now that you have become wise on turmeric benefits, let’s veer your attention to the alleys of the Abe Mart platform, where our turmeric assortments are vaulted. We have the spicy siblings from the same family – Turmeric and Kasturi Turmeric, each a superstar in their own right. Check out the select turmeric powders available on our platform:

Turmeric & Kasturi Turmeric: The Dynamic Duo

Curious to know how the Spicy siblings hold centre stage? Turmeric, a popular ingredient in the culinary world and a crown jewel in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties was historically used as a natural dye for fabrics and textiles as well.

Kasturi turmeric, coupled with aromatic properties and potential skin benefits has been a popular choice for cosmetics, perfumes, and skincare products. It is only used for external applications and is considered an ageless one-trick pony that instantly revitalizes the skin for a natural glow.

How to consume Turmeric?

Wave your magic wand to drizzle enchantment in your kitchen. Turmeric can zip through a variety of dishes from soups, curries, milk, smoothies, scrambled eggs, and vegetables, to rice, the list just shows that possibilities are interminable.

While the gilded spice is your wingman to deliver your culinary A-game, let us throw in a free pointer or rather a gentle reminder in your direction to enrich your diet by complementing it with pepper as it hastens the absorption of turmeric in the body by 2000%.

Tread with Care

Balance is the compass to life. Though turmeric is a health dynamo, ensure moderate consumption is your chant. Excessive consumption can tip the scales to adversely affect your health. Steer the wheels to the wellness highway with caution.

Closing Thoughts

Turmeric, a true health dynamo, allies with versatility to glide through the domains of cuisines, cosmetics, and medicines without a hiccup. With curcumin pedalling the path to wellness, worries about health appear silly. However, cycle with caution as moderate and measured steps lead to a golden path of vitality.


The information contained in this blog is for educational and awareness purposes only. Under no circumstance should the information provided here be considered a substitute for professional medical help and should not be relied upon to treat or diagnose any medical condition. It is always advised to seek help from a qualified medical professional for your health conditions before relying on the content. Abe Mart does not accept any responsibility for any potential risk to the visitor/ reader.

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